Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Hola todos!  First, a few things I forgot to mention about the weekend.  1) We saw a horse in the ocean with it's owner cooling looked just like postcards you see of wild horses haha and 2) The ocean water is SO warm...I never knew an ocean could be that warm!  When it's shallow it's hot, like bath water haha it was awesome, 3) We couldn't drink the water there so we were buying tons of bottled never know how much water you drink until you're constantly replacing your bottle of water!  Plus it was reallyyy hot and humid, like you sweat the whole time you're there, so we drank lotsss of water.  Definitely made me appreciate the fact that we can drink the water here in San Jose :)

As for today, another good day at Carmelo.  This morning we went to Mass at the school (yep--it's definitely Catholic!) so I pretty much could follow along with that easily.  At the end of church they sang happy birthday to the kids to had birthdays that day, it was really fun.  Then we worked a little bit with a teacher we had been with on Monday, with fourth graders.  Then we switched and helped a different teacher who works with younger kids.  We went down to the preschool and taught them -- very cute -- mostly by singing songs like '5 little monkeys jumping on the bed' and 'hokey pokey.'  Next we switched to another class, a little older, maybe kindergarten or first grade, and did some of the same type of thing, learning things like body parts ('head, shoulders, knees, and toes') and family members.

The kids are really nice and sweet though, like in the last class when it was time for us to go, they mobbed us and gave us hugs and came up and asked questions...very loving haha.  One girl came up and the first thing she asked me was if I had a boyfriend haha.  Now the kids recognize us when we come in everyday so they always say hi if they pass us in the school and everything.  Oh and today I got a of the fourth graders gave me a pencil :) yeehaw! 

I decided to start Spanish classes next week instead because I realized I wouldn't be here for much of the week because we're traveling this weekend...I'll keep the location a surprise so you all have something to look forward to in a future blog! :P  So I'll write about the class once I experience one...PS this also means don't panic when you don't hear from me Thursday-Sunday, I will be gone!

There's not as many people living with me now...we have three people upstairs and two downstairs, and one of them is leaving this week.  So we'll see if we get more new people sometime!  My host family is great...the other night the son got his guitar and was playing for us and trying to teach me, unsuccessfully mostly, to play too haha.  In the back of the house he has a bunch of bird cages with like 30 canaries.  Today he showed me some babies that are only a few days old...they were tiny and pink because they didn't have many feathers yet, all sleeping together in the nest.   

That's all I can think of for is the good ol US of A?  Miss you all!  Nos vemos pronto!

1 comment:

  1. jenna!
    i'm so jealous you're in costa rica... such an awesome country! you should try surfing while you're there so you can kick everyone's ass at the ozarks when we do the wimpy behind the boat surfing. i can't report on how the good ol' usa is doing, but canada is still, somehow, recognized as a real country. 54 days til the ozarks :)
